Daily Archives: December 15, 2014

‘Known Wolf’ Syndrome: Sydney Hostage-Taker Is Yet Another Case

by Patrick Poole,  PJ Media

With the hostage situation resolved — hopefully with no innocent lives lost (reports just coming in – UPDATE: Reports say that one hostage as well as the gunman are dead) — and the release of the name of the hostage taker, Iranian-born Islamic cleric Man Monis aka Shiekh Haron, this seems to be yet another case of what I termed here at PJ Media several weeks ago as “Known Wolf Syndrome.” Continue reading

Prolific Prescribers Of Controlled Substances Face Medicare Scrutiny

by Charles Ornstein and Ryann Grochowski Jones,  NPR

Despite a national crackdown on prescription drug abuse, doctors churned out an ever-larger number of prescriptions for the most-potent controlled substances to Medicare patients, new data show. Continue reading

Muslims in Australia say they fear Sydney jihad hostage crisis backlash

by Robert Spencer,  Jihad Watch

An hour and a half ago I wrote this: “There will also be a heavy barrage of ‘backlash’ stories — indeed, they have already begun.” Continue reading

IRS Can Audit For Three Years, Six….Or Forever

by Robert W. Wood,  Forbes

In most cases, the IRS has three years to audit after you file your return. Continue reading