Daily Archives: March 9, 2014

Obama’s 21st Century Military:Gay, lesbian troops perform in drag at Kadena Air Base [VIDEO]


Samuel Gonzalez,  Right Wing News

This is what our once proud military has been reduced to.  Our armed forces are meant to defend us by killing people and breaking thing—period.  It’s not supposed to be a Petri dish for social experimentation.  Amazingly enough this report comes from Stars and Stripes, the military’s storied newspaper.

Stars and Stripes reports since the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, U.S. military bases have hosted gay marriage ceremonies and potluck gatherings. But on Saturday, servicemembers here may have been the first to take to the stage and perform as drag queens on a military installation in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender troops.

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Benghazi Air Assets


Herbert N. Nigg, Mountain Finch Post

In our previous post on this site entitled “Benghazi” we outlined official statements by U. S. personnel.  Specifically, there were statements made in the “Flashing Red’ report by Senators McCain and Collins,  statements by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and by General Dempsey and by Secretary Clinton as testimony before a Congressional Committee.

The “Flashing Red” report stated that the U. S. Military did not have the resources to respond to pleas for help by U. S. Consulate and CIA personnel.

Secretary Clinton asked why does anything matter, that we have four dead Americans regardless of how it happened.

General Dempsey, when asked by Senator Graham if there were AC-130 gunships within 1000 miles stated categorically “No’.  When asked if there were gunships within 2000 miles, answered that he would have to check and get back to the senator.

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Tolerant Academics Trying to Block Condoleezza Rice From Speaking at Rutgers


Katie Pavlich,  Townhall

Liberal tolerance has struck again in academia, this time at Rutgers University.

Former Secretary of State and Stanford University Professor Condoleezza Rice was invited to speak at the 2014 Rutgers commencement ceremony. Now, a faculty board at the university is demanding the invitation be revoked. Tolerant liberal students are demanding the same.

Rutgers University professors and students are crying foul over the school’s decision to invite former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to speak at this year’s commencement ceremony.

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